May 18, 2020

Greetings, Class of 2020:
Across the country, graduating students (high school and college) are mourning the loss of a ceremonial event symbolizing successful completion of a milestone achievement: graduation. The global pandemic has forced the implementation of national guidelines restricting large scale gatherings. As a result, virtual commencements are taking place to honor and recognize graduates.
La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. officially recognizes and congratulates graduating Hermanos of the class of 2020. For some of our Hermanos, you may be the first generation in your family to graduate from an institution of higher learning. While you may not be able to join your classmates in donning your cap and gown, walking across the stage to shake a dean’s hand, and hearing your family shout your name in unbridled enthusiasm, know that it does not stop anyone from celebrating YOU!
Congratulations and La Unidad Para Siempre, Hermanos! We are proud of you Hermanos, and wish you a successful and rewarding future. As graduates, new alumni and future leaders, we look forward to your continued contributions to La Fraternidad and your communities as we navigate new norms for a healthy and productive future.
Congratulations to the Class of 2020!
View the La Unidad Latina 2020 Year Book Here!
Hermano George Bouldin Gates, MBA
National President
La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.