May 12, 2020

Dear Families, Friends and Supporters:
In this increasingly unique and dynamic time that is COVID-19, all of us continue to be challenged by a new norm and a future that is every-changing and uncertain. An epidemic that has become a pandemic may very well forever change how move about and interact with the world and each other. Undoubtedly an unsettling thought, but not one that must stifle or hinder us from staying spiritually and socially connected while social distancing.
An interesting consequence of self-quarantine and stay-at-home has been the innovative ways in which we have entertained ourselves and focused on family, significant others, loved ones, pets and self. We have learned creative ways of remaining connected and engaged. We better understand the value of quality time spent being present and the increasing need to focus on mental health and well being.
The Hermanos of La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc., empathize with, and in many ways share, your experiences of loss, grief, and anxiety. We have been impacted by the loss of one of our Hermanos. Some of our Hermanos have recovered after being diagnosed COVID-19 positive. We have Hermanos grieving the loss of parents, family members, and friends. Our prayers, condolences and well-wishes to our Hermandad and to you and your families. We will survive this, and we will be stronger and better prepared.
As an organization we have prioritized how we can be supportive as we continue to manage through these times. A few examples include:
- A Mental Health Initiative Team building out a toolkit and resources for our Hermandad to increase internal awareness and support including tools for sharing and distribution within their respective communities and networks
- Exploring ways of supporting our Hermanos disproportionately impacted by the pandemic; especially our undergraduates and newly graduated Hermanos
- Planning as an organization for whatever the remainder of 2020 and into 2021 holds for our ability to remain active and engaged on campuses and within our communities and neighborhoods
Key to successfully managing through this time, supporting our families and taking care of ourselves mentally and emotionally, will be partnerships and collaborations. We are committed to working with community organizations, academic institutions, and peer organizations to ensure broad support for each other and the communities we serve.
We are all in this together. Please continue to follow safety guidelines and to practice self-care. If we want the best for and to care for our families, we must make sure we do all we can to be here for them.
Wishing you and your families continued health and wellness.
The Hermanos of La Unidad Latina
Hermano George Bouldin Gates, MBA
National President
La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.